Costa Rica Digital Nomad Visa Factsheet

Are you looking for help with your Digital Nomad Visa application? Reach out to specialists at [email protected].

Costa Rica’s Digital Nomad Visa offers an exciting opportunity for individuals seeking to combine work and travel in a stunning, friendly, and safe rich environment.

Designed to accommodate remote workers, this visa program provides access to Costa Rica’s exceptional landscapes, robust infrastructure, and vibrant communities while allowing professionals to maintain their careers from a picturesque Central American backdrop.
Thus far, the Digital Nomad Visa is proving to be extremely popular with solo travelers and young families with remote work flexibility, as well as entrepreneurs or established business owners who can run their businesses from anywhere.
Here’s everything you need to know about Costa Rica’s Digital Nomad Visa.

Costa Rica's Digital Nomad Visa Overview

Visa Validity and Renewal:

  • The Digital Nomad Visa is initially granted for a one-year period.

  • Renewal is possible for a second year, however, extensions beyond two years are currently unavailable.

Application Structure:

  • In family applications, a main applicant must be designated.

  • Eligibility of dependents in the family application is linked to the income of the main applicant.

  • The application process consists of four “Steps,” with the last step being a mandatory, in-person appointment at an Immigration office

  • It can take anywhere between 2-16 weeks to have the third of four steps approved

  • The in-person Step 4 appointment must be completed within 90 days of Step 3 approval

Financial Requirements:

  • Individual applicants must showcase a minimum monthly income of $3,000 USD for the 12 months preceding the submission of the application.

  • Family applications, including spouses, children, or elderly family members residing with the applicant, require a collective income of $4,000 USD per month.

  • Common law marriages are recognized for this visa category.

Income Verification:

  • To substantiate income, provide authorities with 12 months of bank statements.

  • Alternatively, employment letters or tax returns can serve as income evidence, with a focus on the net income in your bank account.

  • To substantiate these bank accounts, applicants can either work with a Costa Rican accountant to produce a “Certified Income Statement,” or get a notarized letter from their bank.

Documentation Requirements When Applying as a Family:

  • Applications for a dependent spouse must include an apostilled marriage certificate that has been issued no earlier than six months prior to application submission.

  • Applications for dependent, underage children must include an apostilled birth certificate that has been issued no earlier than six months prior to application submission.

  • Adopted children can be applied for as dependents, however applications must include both birth certificates and apostilled adoption papers.

Health Insurance Requirement:

  • Applicants must submit proof of a health-insurance policy that covers up to $50,000, and that is valid for the length of the visa, during their Step 4 appointment

  • Each member of the family must have his/her own coverage

Remote Work Requirement:

  • Applicants must engage in work amenable to remote execution.

  • Immigration authorities may scrutinize the nature of your work to ensure its compatibility with remote employment.

Renewal Conditions:

  • Visa renewal for a second year requires a minimum of 180 days presence in the country during the first year.

  • Renewal mandates adhere to the same income prerequisites.

Things to Look Out For When Applying for Costa Rica's Digital Nomad Visa

Navigating the application process for Costa Rica’s Digital Nomad Visa can present challenges, so it’s important to be well-prepared. Here are four crucial considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Spanish Proficiency is Key: Much of the application process is conducted in Spanish, from document translations, to scheduling Step 4 appointments, to addressing any issues that Immigration may flag with your application. If you’re not proficient in Spanish, it’s advisable to seek assistance during the application process.

  2. Multiple Fees: Applicants should budget for various fees throughout the process, including application fees at two stages and a government deposit before completing Step 4. Additionally, there are smaller fees required before submitting Step 3 and obtaining the Dimex identity card.

  3. In-Country Requirements: Despite being a digital process, certain elements of the Digital Nomad Visa process must be completed in Costa Rica. For example, the payment for Step 3 application needs to be made in person at a BancoCR branch in Costa Rica.

  4. Strict Timelines: Timelines are relatively tight in this process. Step 3 must be submitted within five days of Step 2 approval, and Step 4 must be completed within 90 days of Step 3 approval. It’s crucial to be aware of these timelines to avoid having to restart the application process.


Understanding these considerations will help streamline your application for Costa Rica’s Digital Nomad Visa and ensure a smoother experience.

StartAbroad is Here to Help

StartAbroad has supported a large number of clients to secure their Digital Nomad Visas. You can learn more about our Digital Nomad Visa Support service here, or reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about your own case.


We’ve also put together the video linked below to help you understand and successfully navigate the process.


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