The Expat Guide to Learning European Portuguese

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Resources for Learning European Portuguese

Learning European Portuguese can feel overwhelming, especially when many popular language tools focus on Brazilian Portuguese. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Here are our best tips and resources to help you navigate your language-learning journey and master European Portuguese.

Fun Fact: You’ll need to pass a Portuguese language test at the A2 level to apply for permanent residency or citizenship in Portugal! It typically takes about 150-180 hours of study to reach this level. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Language Apps and Software

Finding the right app can make learning a new language more fun and convenient. Here are some top-rated apps specifically for European Portuguese:

  • The Drops App is great for building your basic vocabulary. It’s available online and on your smartphone and is quite affordable for lifetime access. 
  • Memrise: Another fantastic app for European Portuguese learners, offering structured lessons to help you improve quickly.
  • Pimsleur; The Pimsleur method offers a European Portuguese course with a strong focus on conversational skills.
  • Note: While popular, Duolingo currently only offers Brazilian Portuguese.

Online Tutors

One-on-one tutoring can really help you improve your speaking skills. Here’s a favorite platform where you can find great Portuguese tutors:

  • italki: Whether you’re after conversational practice or structured lessons, italki connects you with qualified Portuguese tutors. Plus, lessons are often budget-friendly!


Books and PDF Resources

If you prefer a more traditional approach, we recommend these helpful resources:


Here are some of the best online resources for your Portuguese language journey.

  • Learning Portuguese Compare Accents Tool: This site’s “Compare Accents” tool is perfect for getting those tricky Portuguese sounds just right.
  • PortuguesePedia: An excellent site with audio clips to help you practice pronunciation.
  • Practice Portuguese: Originally designed for TAP Airlines, this site offers comprehensive resources from intermediate to advanced levels..

Online Courses

Structured courses are a great way to stay on track. Here are a couple of highly recommended options:


Prefer learning through video? Here are some YouTube channels and video series we love:

In-Person Classes

If you’re already in Portugal, you may be eligible for free language classes. These classes are perfect for building skills and meeting other learners:

  • Learn More Here: Many locations in Portugal offer free language classes for residents—find out how to enroll!


CIPLE Language Test: What You Need to Know

To apply for Portuguese permanent residency or citizenship, you’ll need to pass the CIPLE Language Test. This test evaluates your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills at the A2 level.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Oral Exam (25%): You’ll respond to questions, describe a picture, and engage in a short conversation.
  • Reading and Writing Exam (1 hour, 15 minutes): You’ll complete reading comprehension questions and write short texts, like emails or postcards.
  • Listening Comprehension (30 minutes): Many consider this the toughest part of the test.

You’ll need a score of 55% or higher to pass. Want more details on the test format or how to register? Check out these resources:



By focusing on these tools and resources, you’ll be well on your way to mastering European Portuguese. Ready to start learning? Boa sorte!

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Sign up for a free consultation to discuss your situation and get personalized guidance. StartAbroad provides a comprehensive suite of services to make your move abroad as easy and painless as possible. StartAbroad’s international moving experts have over 20+ years of experience living abroad and helping others get settled in Europe and around the world.


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