Car Purchase Support


Ready for a road trip? You’ll need a car for those cross-country adventures. We have experts on the ground who can help you find your ideal car – from an off-roader to a luxury vehicle.


If you’re ready for your cross-country adventures in Costa Rica, you likely want your own car. But the car market in Costa Rica can be difficult to navigate, making the experience stressful and expensive. Our experts on the ground help you find your ideal car and make the purchasing process smooth and efficient, so that you can hit the road.

This service includes:

  • ​​Detailed checklist on car purchase process in Costa Rica
  • Hour-long kick-off call with a car purchase expert to right-size your budget and discuss options
  • Support in shortlisting up to 40 cars to review
  • In-person inspection of four cars with an excellent local mechanic
  • Guidance on money transfer options
  • Recommendations on which insurance providers to use
  • Connection to a trusted lawyer to complete proceedings


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